Friday, March 21, 2014

In June 2011, established a working group was tasked to propose what or which agencies should be de

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The purpose of the OPCAT (The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture) is to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment through regular visits by independent bodies to places of detention. In accordance with the protocol established a Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture. living
If Norway ratify OPCAT shall be in accordance with the protocol type. 17 retained, appointed or established by one or several national preventive mechanisms (NFM) no later than one year after the Protocol is ratified. The protocol sets out the rest of a long series of specific requirements for the national preventive mechanisms.
In June 2011, established a working group was tasked to propose what or which agencies should be designated as national preventive living mechanism under the Protocol and make an overall assessment of the impact associated with any Norwegian ratification.
The working group recommends that the Ombudsman is designated as national living preventive mechanism in the event of Norwegian ratification of OPCAT. The working group recommends that the Ombudsman alone designated as national preventive mechanism and refers in this connection that most of the existing States Parties one organ as a national preventive mechanism. Then the task of national preventive mechanism living be administered in a uniform manner, regardless of sector living and geographical area, you will avoid costly coordination between multiple agencies, it will be one visible point of contact for Sub-Committee on Prevention, other countries' national preventive mechanisms, civil society, media, etc., and it will not be necessary living to make legislative changes and any other necessary adjustments according to several organs. To ensure good cooperation between the Ombudsman, National institution living and civil society working group believes that the Ombudsman should create an advisory committee with representatives from the national institution for human rights and civil society.
Amnesty International and the Helsinki living Committee is keen to see the future architecture of the Norwegian system to protect and promote human rights in a whole. In this picture, the future organization of national human rights institution especially important. Neither Amnesty International and Helsinki Committee agrees that the Ombudsman are the national preventive mechanism. They advocate that national living institution organized as a strong national human rights commission, authorized by a law
Children, Youth and familiedirektoratatet has suggested that the Board of Health and County Governors control agency living for child welfare institutions should be designated as separate preventive mechanisms, with the Ombudsman as a coordinating body.
The Institute supports the proposal of the Ombudsman as a National preventive mechanism but points out the importance of its health science expertise enhanced and herudner also important to emphasize that mental health living is a part of this competence. They therefore support the proposal for the inclusion of a provision in the instructions that the Ombudsman shall establish an advisory committee with representatives of the National Institution for Human Rights and Civil Society in connection with the work of a national preventive mechanism.
Jurk highlights the importance and need for increased outreach, prevention efforts that are truly accessible to inmates, staff and legal services when it comes to enrolling situations and practices that are contrary to the Torture Convention or at risk of becoming so. They point out the importance of a national preventive mechanism living has sufficient expertise in mental health, probation, children and child welfare, different cultures and immigration law. It is also important to have knowledge about gender-specific challenges and awareness of various vulnerable groups' challenges. Ombudsman do for Jurka view a very good job as a complaints body, but currently works with little prevention. Being a national mechanism for the prevention by the Additional Protocol would in

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