Friday, November 21, 2014

For dormer dwelling is very difficult adore to get furniture adore that make good use of space. If

For dormer dwelling is very difficult adore to get furniture adore that make good use of space. If you want a good izkoričenost space, we need a custom furniture. If we can produce wood products can tackle this larger project themselves. Some companies offer their own programs for drawing furniture. This comes in handy if a wood cut and delivered to them, which then only furniture I build together.
First I drew with space in which the furniture. This makes it easier imagine how it will look in the room pohišto. Just an idea I had skicirano on a sheet of paper. Until the final version of the furniture I had five intermediate. When I was satisfied with the appearance and functionality, I display the BOM and went to buy wood. Since I was in no hurry to furniture, from idea to finished drawings passed five months in between where I may well change his mind about the appearance and functionality.
Wood sawn myself, bore the holes for the screws and poiskusno up. Since I took massive adore wood I had sanded and varnish. If I took a chipboard panel with decor would lacquering and polishing accounted for. In the picture below the TV still missing doors, they have to do.
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