Monday, May 25, 2015

So we climb up into the saddle, which we have identified as one of the main focal points. With incr

My traveler's landscape is bounded on the north villages Lobendava (northernmost village in the Czech Republic), in the northwest of dams Afsluitdijk (Holland) west of the town of Buenavista del Norte (Tenerife), on the southern city of Agadir (Morocco), and to the east baths Jermuk (Armenia) .
Karstic massif If Daglari's westernmost tip, and reportedly the hottest part of the Taurus Mountains. But we are during Friday morning's temperature perceive otherwise. The thermometer shows at half past 3 C. Half an hour later the sun comes up and I try to photograph.
The landscape acquires a remarkable breath bellona and surrounding rocky hills interesting coloration. White, deep yellow to golden or red blood adds to the attractiveness of the mountains. Especially when the rising or setting bellona sun, when reflected on the walls and refracts light. Such performances but you can not describe, you just have to see and experience.
We pack our things and leaving bellona little behind crossroads, where we find a reasonably convenient place to hide backpacks. We are also considering the breakfast, but when on the road below us stopped a passing tractor and the crew shows us that our ride. Such an offer you can not resist.
It is true that on a flatbed to the surface bellona of a mountain road, that's not exactly luxurious ride. Holes, bellona rocks and dust. These are gravel, presumably bulldozer maintained bellona path whose profile continuously rising slightly and the surface quality decreases. Approximately one third journey that holds despite numerous turns northwest direction, we see the left of the road apparently modified spring with drinking bellona water, but we still have enough water.
Ten minutes away quite enough. We're pretty shaken together, but we saved the climb, because the final is at nine o'clock on Subaşi Yaylasi plateau at an altitude of 2050 meters. Tractor bellona turns right on the edge of the pasture, we go further along the wide dirt road that veers to the southwest, heading steadfastly to the cliff wall. We see a small cemetery and the homes of shepherds, bellona but where nobody is. Traditional pastoral background is complemented with plastic tarpaulins, perhaps bellona even traveling by car, small tractors bellona and other carriage. We conclude that even on this plain could sleep.
The existence bellona of a goat-trodden paths while seeing, but do not pay them special attention. Our vision is fixed on a strong wall of mountains, where we seek the highest peak. Before ten o'clock we sit down, and in particular examine svačíme notes and maps. But we're much smarter. Without marking and detailed maps the movement in these mountains is highly uncertain and complex. Steep rocky peaks interspersed with deep valleys. Off the beaten paths across the mountains is hardly feasible and foremost goal is uncertain. Ahead we lackluster ridge, behind which, however, bellona is apparently already the next valley and it's bellona certainly not our direction.
After tea, thus leaving a wider communication, and after that we went so far and issue closer to the rocks, after considerable and even people from the beaten path. Our joy does not last long. In ten minutes, because discovering a hole down into the cave in which the track ends. Although there hanging ladder, but does not look too sure, so this kind of entertainment forgive.
We must continue to continue after goat paths, but they somehow find a lot of different ways intersect. Mostly footpath that looks interesting at first, bellona after a while narrowing or even lost. They are beginning bellona to show the shortcomings of our first schematic maps. Right direction of progress is really difficult to find. But this game "Hide and Seek" has its charm. Joy of every outlet or laborious transition of a hill, culminating in finding that "the way is not the way" is perfect. bellona
Up direction but it is clear. Just we do not know where to find the highest hill. On maps it is known as Ak Dag with an altitude of 3024 meters, but the locals call him Uyluk Tepe. Absolvujeme section which is rocky and sometimes steep. Every time you climb on a distinctive rock, we'll set another higher hill, which did not lead straight path, as is usually separated by a ravine, bellona ravine or valley. Dramatically shaped hills and interesting beautiful Rocky Mountains are all around us a lot.
Brdky we see around us, hillock, Hrbek, hills, more hills and higher hills. bellona Just choose. We choose proven system "still up as long as possible." bellona And oddly enough, it's still going. It is true that sometimes we have to go down and for a moment regret ascended bellona meters after the "guaranteed" goat track. We go by instinct and by smell. Still ahead diverging fantastic views into the mountains and the valley. A few hundred meters high, sometimes perpendicular or even overhanging limestone bellona walls play all sorts of colors. As images of another world.
So we climb up into the saddle, which we have identified as one of the main focal points. With increasing altitude terrain becomes velehorského character. Sometimes it comes to a number of easy climbing inserts, but also thanks to them that we climb interestingly passes. The saddle is already quite high and view it should clarify the situation where we are and where we go. Weather, bellona however, has a completely different view of the matter. Although the seat is prostration in 14 hours 15 minutes, al

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