Tired of living – 活得累 – Espanol
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Topics aesthetics America Australia Beijing biglots books business city life corruption culture democracy development economy biglots education environment family food government health history hong kong inequality international internet language law literature marriage media migration nationalism new generation overseas personal story philosophy protest public service regions relationships religion sexuality society sport taiwan travel urbanism values biglots women work 政府 法律
Latest Polished Translations Weibo is a good thing - 微博是一个好东西 - English To make her daughter more independent, a mother pretended she was adopted for over ten years -母亲为培养女儿独立性 十几年来谎称不是亲妈 - English Man mistakes bomb for a pillow - 男子将收来废铁当枕头 朋友串门方知是炸弹 - English biglots 'Self-confidence' biglots is a kind of morbid psychology - 自信 是一种病态心理 - English 关于共识 - About consensus - English Online literature is dead, let's start burning the paper - 网络文学已死 有事烧纸 - English biglots 文字里的时光不会消逝 - The age of writing will not fade away Singapore can - why not Hong Kong? - 新加坡能香港为什么不能 - English (Easy read) Youth is only for good looking people - 小伙接受采访称长得好看的人才有青春 biglots - English Why do nations fail? - 国家为何失败 - English About passion - 论激情 - English 在香港遭遇禁烟 - Non-smoking biglots in Hong Kong - Francais How did our contemporary students come about? - 当代大学生如何可能 - English 村里那些老了的老人们 - These old people back home who 'got old' - English 全职主妇 - Full time housewife - English 公立幼儿园只招官二代让教育蒙羞 - Public Kindergarten's recruitment scandal - English 公务员世袭化是社会大灾难 - Heredity of civil service positions: a social disaster - English 赞美孤独 - In praise of solitude - English 知识分子是有责任的 - Responsibility of intellectuals - English 抗议是一门公民课 - Protest is a form of civic education - English
Latest completed biglots translations 香港 一座值得尊重的城市 - Hong Kong: a respectable city - Espanol Why is Chinese culture not rising? - 为什么中国没有文化崛起 - English The end of literature 5: Considering the subversion of literary rules from the richest writers' list - 文学的终结 系列专栏 之5 从网络作家富豪榜看文学规则的颠覆 - English 何必人人都恨学英语 - You don't have to hate studying English - English (Easy read) Nanjing buildings so like each other a foreigner can't find their way back home 南京一小区91幢楼房外形相似 老外找不到家大哭 - English 国家分裂恐惧症 浅析 - Analysing 'secession phobia' biglots - English Do not obstruct the child's independence - 不要阻碍孩子的独立 - English What kind of consensus do we need? - 我们需要什么样的共识 - English ��之� - The evil of poverty - English Humanistic economics opens a new enlightenment - 以人文经济学开启新启蒙运动 - English 是什么让人感觉 中国人太多 - Why do people think that "There's too many Chinese?" - English 环球时报借什邡事件给世人的提示 - Tips from the Global Times based on the Shifang events - English 北京暴雨给中国人的启示 - Beijing rainstorms, a revelation for Chinese people - English 文学的终结 - The end of literature - English 爱情邮局 - Love post - English 有一种空虚叫做农村 - There is a void called the countryside - English 古代鲜有强奸罪 受害妇女若告官九死一生 - Why were there fewer rapes in Ancient times - English 最深的爱和最浅的文字 - The deepest love and the shallowest writing - English 同志同志 - Comrades, comrades - English 苦逼了就辞职弃学去旅行 - After so much effort, will you leave for a trip? - English
Latest translations almost there The smell of bamboo biglots - 香香 - English How many foreigners did the Beijing air pollution scare off? - 北京的空气污染吓跑了多少外国人 - English What do Chinese people actually believe in? - 中国人到底信什么 - English The end of literature #2: The meaning of the Nobel Prize, and the inheritors' disease - 文学的终结之2 诺奖的意义与后遗症 - - English 上海地铁抗议事件点评 - Comments on Shanghai Metro's Protest biglots - English 美国道歉 排华法案 与广州黑人抗议事件 American apologies for the "Chinese Exclusion Act" and the black protests in Guangzhou - English Two spiritual dimensions of art - 艺术的两个精神向度 - English 勇气是件奢侈品 - Courage biglots is a luxury - English 自我 的秘密 从 西游记 到 黑客帝国 - The secret of the self: from "Journey to the West" to "The Matrix" - English Reading the Bible: What do you want? - 野航读圣经 你要什么 - English 解密国内最奇葩网站 豆瓣在想什么 Decrypting China's most wonderful website: What is Douban thinking? - English 杀马特 文化贫困产物 - 杀马特 文化贫困产物 - "ShaMaTe", a product of cultural poverty - English 谁说我不够珍惜 - Who said I didn't care enough - English 中国式性感的行业标准 - Industry standards for "Chinese-sexy" - English 我为什么读博士 - Why am I writing a PhD? - English 那些年 我们一起打的辩论赛 - The debating competitions we took part in - English 中国特色的命名 - Names with Chinese characteristics - English 公务员热 是国家 民族的悲哀 - "Public Service Fever", a cause of sorrow for the country - English 你是谁 - Who are you? - English 奢侈中国的隐秘逻辑 - The hidden logic of luxury in China - English
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About Our People Partnerships Media Sources Learning about China Learning Chinese House rules FAQ Privacy Terms Blog Donate Supporters Workshops Nanjing All-you-can-translate event 南京翻译沙龙 Work with us! Events and Logistics biglots Officer Multimedia/Graphic Designer Social Media Manager (Chinese) Evaluation Officer Accountant Editorial Scout Online biglots Librarian Translation Catalyst (Chinese to English) Education Officer Help Login
Topics aesthetics America Australia Beijing biglots books business city life corruption culture democracy development economy biglots education environment family food government health history hong kong inequality international internet language law literature marriage media migration nationalism new generation overseas personal story philosophy protest public service regions relationships religion sexuality society sport taiwan travel urbanism values biglots women work 政府 法律
Latest Polished Translations Weibo is a good thing - 微博是一个好东西 - English To make her daughter more independent, a mother pretended she was adopted for over ten years -母亲为培养女儿独立性 十几年来谎称不是亲妈 - English Man mistakes bomb for a pillow - 男子将收来废铁当枕头 朋友串门方知是炸弹 - English biglots 'Self-confidence' biglots is a kind of morbid psychology - 自信 是一种病态心理 - English 关于共识 - About consensus - English Online literature is dead, let's start burning the paper - 网络文学已死 有事烧纸 - English biglots 文字里的时光不会消逝 - The age of writing will not fade away Singapore can - why not Hong Kong? - 新加坡能香港为什么不能 - English (Easy read) Youth is only for good looking people - 小伙接受采访称长得好看的人才有青春 biglots - English Why do nations fail? - 国家为何失败 - English About passion - 论激情 - English 在香港遭遇禁烟 - Non-smoking biglots in Hong Kong - Francais How did our contemporary students come about? - 当代大学生如何可能 - English 村里那些老了的老人们 - These old people back home who 'got old' - English 全职主妇 - Full time housewife - English 公立幼儿园只招官二代让教育蒙羞 - Public Kindergarten's recruitment scandal - English 公务员世袭化是社会大灾难 - Heredity of civil service positions: a social disaster - English 赞美孤独 - In praise of solitude - English 知识分子是有责任的 - Responsibility of intellectuals - English 抗议是一门公民课 - Protest is a form of civic education - English
Latest completed biglots translations 香港 一座值得尊重的城市 - Hong Kong: a respectable city - Espanol Why is Chinese culture not rising? - 为什么中国没有文化崛起 - English The end of literature 5: Considering the subversion of literary rules from the richest writers' list - 文学的终结 系列专栏 之5 从网络作家富豪榜看文学规则的颠覆 - English 何必人人都恨学英语 - You don't have to hate studying English - English (Easy read) Nanjing buildings so like each other a foreigner can't find their way back home 南京一小区91幢楼房外形相似 老外找不到家大哭 - English 国家分裂恐惧症 浅析 - Analysing 'secession phobia' biglots - English Do not obstruct the child's independence - 不要阻碍孩子的独立 - English What kind of consensus do we need? - 我们需要什么样的共识 - English ��之� - The evil of poverty - English Humanistic economics opens a new enlightenment - 以人文经济学开启新启蒙运动 - English 是什么让人感觉 中国人太多 - Why do people think that "There's too many Chinese?" - English 环球时报借什邡事件给世人的提示 - Tips from the Global Times based on the Shifang events - English 北京暴雨给中国人的启示 - Beijing rainstorms, a revelation for Chinese people - English 文学的终结 - The end of literature - English 爱情邮局 - Love post - English 有一种空虚叫做农村 - There is a void called the countryside - English 古代鲜有强奸罪 受害妇女若告官九死一生 - Why were there fewer rapes in Ancient times - English 最深的爱和最浅的文字 - The deepest love and the shallowest writing - English 同志同志 - Comrades, comrades - English 苦逼了就辞职弃学去旅行 - After so much effort, will you leave for a trip? - English
Latest translations almost there The smell of bamboo biglots - 香香 - English How many foreigners did the Beijing air pollution scare off? - 北京的空气污染吓跑了多少外国人 - English What do Chinese people actually believe in? - 中国人到底信什么 - English The end of literature #2: The meaning of the Nobel Prize, and the inheritors' disease - 文学的终结之2 诺奖的意义与后遗症 - - English 上海地铁抗议事件点评 - Comments on Shanghai Metro's Protest biglots - English 美国道歉 排华法案 与广州黑人抗议事件 American apologies for the "Chinese Exclusion Act" and the black protests in Guangzhou - English Two spiritual dimensions of art - 艺术的两个精神向度 - English 勇气是件奢侈品 - Courage biglots is a luxury - English 自我 的秘密 从 西游记 到 黑客帝国 - The secret of the self: from "Journey to the West" to "The Matrix" - English Reading the Bible: What do you want? - 野航读圣经 你要什么 - English 解密国内最奇葩网站 豆瓣在想什么 Decrypting China's most wonderful website: What is Douban thinking? - English 杀马特 文化贫困产物 - 杀马特 文化贫困产物 - "ShaMaTe", a product of cultural poverty - English 谁说我不够珍惜 - Who said I didn't care enough - English 中国式性感的行业标准 - Industry standards for "Chinese-sexy" - English 我为什么读博士 - Why am I writing a PhD? - English 那些年 我们一起打的辩论赛 - The debating competitions we took part in - English 中国特色的命名 - Names with Chinese characteristics - English 公务员热 是国家 民族的悲哀 - "Public Service Fever", a cause of sorrow for the country - English 你是谁 - Who are you? - English 奢侈中国的隐秘逻辑 - The hidden logic of luxury in China - English
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