Friday, January 24, 2014

Most popular stories cls A good customer service from the point of view of the consumer Providers,

The action, on an indemnity basis, was filed by lawyer Juan Ignacio Correa of CorreaGubbins studio that was hired to analyze the actions to be followed in civil matters in the case of La Polar.
In addition, the pension fund manager cls had the same recourse against PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and nine former executives of retailer: Pablo Mayor, cls Marta Bahamonde, Farah Maria Isabel, Pablo Fuenzalida, Martín González, James Grage, Julián Moreno, Nicolas Ramirez and Ismael Tapia, against whom charges were filed by the prosecution.
Regarding the amounts requested in demand as compensation, they were not disclosed, nor could know what the amount of financial loss were. Capital's cls CEO, Eduardo Vildósola, said "we have acted in a careful and diligent, making decisions that have allowed us to reduce cls the losses caused by this illegal cls today investigating the courts."
Most popular stories cls A good customer service from the point of view of the consumer Providers, to look closely at Jumbo! What the product should meet dress Big Data and BI, nutrient-Commerce and e-commerce and business challenges to Sell and Manage in Times of Crisis? Cencosud and Falabella are interested in possible sale of Comercial Mexicana vs H & M Zara Who dominates the fast fashion? By 2018, 30% of online cls purchases will be through mobile devices launched mobile cls library "Bibliotaxi"
Marketing Manager - P. ..

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