Saturday, June 14, 2014

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The first thing that caught my attention in the decor of this living room was this beautiful green sofa. I loved the tone and thought it gave a touch of luxury to the living room, especially with these beautiful patterned pillows to die for! The tables are beautiful red support as well and I loved the little vase of flowers caning and two lamps. The books decorating the coffee table also left even more beautiful and healthy environment, have left? If you liked it here, will die of love when fixing their eyes on the shelf leading television. Notice caning that the books in her Fundinho caning are not permanent! It is a contact paper or glued on the bottom of the bookcase that gives this amazing effect! But if you have not had an attack of cuteness after all, scroll down the page to check out the beautiful wall paper in the hallway that leads to the room! It is to sigh, see?
What gorgeous. I can not believe they did that effect with wallpaper. It was very chic and smart. And the wallpaper in the other room is more beautiful caning still. I saw other pictures and imagine how much was spent, but it was worth it. bjs Reply Delete
Hi! My name is Inara Souza, I'm 20 years old, live in São Paulo and I faculty of engineering. I created the @ lerdormircomer to talk about books, but I fell in love the decor too. Today, the blog is a little place to talk about everything that is part of my life and routine, all the little things that we all love to do: read, sleep, eat, and more! Here you will find reading tips, decorating, organizing, you do the same, beautiful receitinhas and more! {101 things caning in 1001 days}
Career Courses Decoration Tips for Blogs Events Entrepreneurship Faculty Make you the same Events Movies Finance Instagram Photo Illustration Readers Books Links of the Week Look of the Day Makeup Meninices My Music Texts Brides Organization caning Chat Serious Extraneous Words For You Personal Health Series Receitinhas Technology Vestibular Vlog Wishlist caning

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