Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sleep mode WD Caviar Green may cause premature departure disk. How do we get out?

Sleep mode WD Caviar Green may cause premature departure disk. How do we get out? |
Sleep mode WD Caviar Green may cause premature departure disk. How do we get out?
If you have a hard drive from Western Digital Green series, you should pay attention, especially if its specifications talks about the IntelliPark. That is when idle after a certain time (default 8 seconds on some discs or more) headers and parked off some electronic parts discs in an attempt to save some energy there (plate but turns away because their spinning and slowing down long enough) . But operating living spaces systems and applications with something like that count. So it may happen that shortly after parking your system or application remembers that he needs to reach disk, which again sends a header into action. Disc Paradoxically, it may hurt the game's potential and shorten the life of the disk, regardless of artificially increasing the value of parking in the SMART data. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to solve, and we can now tell how ...
First, the necessary living spaces information: Editors Deep in IT is not liable for any damage possibly caused by this procedure, its modifications, or ignoring. Whatever you do, based solely living spaces on your decisions and bear responsibility for it themselves.
And now for what you need. First of all "disabled" hard disk, it makes sense. You will know it so that you will find it in this list: WD20EADS WD15EADS WD20EARS WD15EARS WD10EARS WD10EADS WD8000AARS WD7500AADS WD7500AARS WD6400AADS WD6400AARS WD5000AADS WD5000AARS WD1000FYPS WD7500AYPS WD7501AYPS
Although we have no disk in this list, but the withdrawal utility to us whether we have available (WD2002FYPS) worked well, so we were able to buy authentic images from the operation setup utility. We actually got to the utility of that which WD offers in the form of a bootable CD, rather its image. The utility is because living spaces DOS. Forget that it will run in a Windows command prompt, you need to really clean DOS, or at least something you can do in this regard replace (WD packed a FreeDOS).
One possibility is the appropriate ISO file and then simply burn it to boot. The second option is more complex, requires a floppy disk, if knowledge living spaces about creating bootable DOS USB flash memory, then a utility to move onto such a flashdrive and boot from it. The possibilities are multiple, for those who are not familiar with, simply download the ISO file as an image and burn it to CD.
Utility named WDIDLE3.EXE, whichever indicates that the set value "idle3" and can be changed. Idle3 is just the "IntelliPark", to be more precise value, after which time they park and head off some of the electronics. The default value is 8 seconds, we're on our disk by default found more, but it does not matter. The disadvantage of this utility for today's mainstream "clickachu-user" is that her differently than the command line can not work. Do not worry, it is relatively simple and explain to you what that statement means a lot of them do not.
We still need to mention one thing necessary: you have the BIOS set SATA controller to IDE mode (or "Legacy") And of course you have to have such a disk controller connected. It is also highly desirable to be connected living spaces to the system at the moment only the disk you want to adjust. Then you just boot.
The easiest thing you can write on the command line, the name of the executable file, in this case wdidle3. Everything that appears on the screen, the standard light gray to black, to illustrate the screenshots are highlighted in yellow and green command, then an important part of a statement (as well as blue-violet syntax). Entering the said command displays information about the hard drive and above its current setting. For example:
The statement can be read meaning all command parameters living spaces and what that does. Parameter / S immediately followed by a number idle3 sets the value of the number of seconds specified, with a minimum of 8 seconds. In the range from 8 to 12.7 seconds can be adjusted by tenths (use decimal point not comma) from 12.8 above already, the timer set for 30 second intervals, therefore the smallest value of 12.7 for 30 seconds. Any other assignment is rounded to the 30-second segments. living spaces Maximum living spaces is 300 seconds, ie 5 minutes. The following are examples of what can happen when entering different numbers:
It is fair to say that the settings in the disk of course remain even after shutdown. And what is the appropriate setting to choose? Starting a few seconds, it will probably few, it is better value might prefer to increase, or if you expect that your system living spaces will be more work than not to work, calmly off completely. It's a question of what you prefer: to save a few watt hours (which is the number of disks, of course multiplies), or feel that your disk will probably last about a one day / week / month more (difficult to estimate what effect actually frequent parking life of the drive actually has).
The entire ISO file wdidle3.iso living spaces you can download from us, as well as packaged separately

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