Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Actualitsdmographie mdicale Installation Contract Commitment Public Service Platforms Support Profe

What the ANEMF? His office assos its Statutes and interior REGULATION His publications The local association Mailing Lists Boards Studies mdicales toddler beds
Actualits Studies Mdicales The first three years (DFGSM) PACES Tutoring DFGSM 2 and 3 SECOND cycle DFASM Clerkship ECN Status Out Procedures external third cycle of choice ranks limits the ECN Internat Guide DES and DESC Orientation FMS Professional Life
Actualitsdmographie mdicale Installation Contract Commitment Public Service Platforms Support Professionals Sant Basics of mdicale dmographie The Dmographie mdicale toddler beds The problematics The Frenchwoman How players pay a doctor in libral? Relevant documents for Dmographie mdicale toddler beds Organization's system of care The complementary social security agencies Rgionales Sant Rgionales Unions of Professionals Sant Sant Houses The multidisciplinary records Accs care: Fight against desertification mdicale Accs care: the overruns fees Reformation of The Conventional CNIPI The negotiations PLFSS Filire The University of M Medicine Gnrale (FUMG) Journe Franaise the Dmographie mdicale representation
Actualits reforms and University Teaching toddler beds and Superior FSDIE CNESER advice of the University toddler beds Act Fioraso on Superior Education and Research Faculty CROUS The CNOUS CROUS Culture Grants-Stock FAGE My Rights
The responsibility mdicale Emergency Aid tudiante social security regime change social security clerkship toddler beds Grants based on social toddler beds criteria Housing benefits complmentaire Universal Health Coverage (CMU- c) Understand the payroll Sant and Solidarity
Actualits Reforms and clinical internship and research abroad ERASMUS exchange SCOPE SCORE Reports SCOPE / SCORE InterCHU training aids international mobility Assembles Gnrales of IFMSA to study and practice the medicine in France for foreign Press Partners Clinical Cases
Lasts 6 semesters Lessons: toddler beds Lessons about 200 hours generals Methodology: evaluation of care practices - Clinical and epidemiological in geriatrics; Ethics of care and clinical research in geriatrics toddler beds - Right and medical responsibility in geriatrics. Lessons spcifiques epidemiological and demographic aspects of aging. Genetics Molecular biology of aging and fundamental molecular mechanisms of aging and cellular matrix Aging; Models of aging studies and their limitations (examples of experimental models toddler beds in vivo and in vitro) aging of tissues and organs. The major pathological processes occurring in the elderly and their treatment neurodegenerative pathologies (including Alzheimer's disease and related) Cardiovascular diseases, pathologies ostheoarticulaires; specific metabolic disorders, malnutrition, sensory and locomotor Attacks. Specificities that relate to the great age Chronic diseases and multiple illnesses, pathology cascade, the concept of frailty, loss of independence: the concept of assessment and management; Psychology of Aging - states of regression - sensory deafferentation , End of Life - Palliative Care. Specificities of supported in handling geriatric medications - Particularities of iatrogenic effects toddler beds Reeducation - rehabilitation; Taking psychogeriatric care, geriatric ratings. Public Health and Aging patient age and the environment; Organizations gerontological structures and networks Dies; Organization of geriatric care at home, in the hospital, legal protection of the elderly. Foresight and prevention in gerontology Longevity, Aging succeeded (foresight and primary prevention), secondary and tertiary Preventions disabilities related to aging. The duration of practical training practical training is 6 semesters: Three semesters, including two post-residency in geriatric services; Three semesters services

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