Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Minister of Higher Education announces: The Minister of Higher Education HEREBY announces as fo

The Minister of Higher Education announces: The Minister of Higher Education HEREBY announces as follows: Are subject to the submission of original diplomas, declared admitted into the first year of the die "Higher Studies Trade" (DESC) the Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC) of Universite de Douala, under academic taxation year 2012/2013, the candidates of the Iist waiting whose names follow: Subject to the presentation of the originals of the required diplomas, the candidate of the waiting list below APPEAR Whose names are Admitted into the first year of the Higher Commercial Studies (DESC) Cycle of the Advanced School of Economics and Commerce (ESSEC) of the University of Douala, for the 2012/2013 nem academic year. They are: No. NAME AND SURNAME ORDER 1. NDOUMBE NYEMB SIMONE RUTHALINE EDWIGE 2. BEMA Dikoumé RUTH GAELLE 3. KAMGAING FOKO RUTH 4. Ongola OMGBA BRUNO SIMON 5. Lagle KENG STEPHANE 6. MBELLA MBELLA OF JEAN MARC 7. DEUKOUE NANDI CHRISTELLE 8. WEUNNIE KENGNI LIONIDA 9. KAMDOM OUAFO ORNELLA 10. DJAMPOUOP kamta OLIVIA SONIA 11. MAPTUE Talom ISABELLE 12.YECKE MACKY ANDRE FABRICE 13. PAFOULE TIYA TICKS fallone 14. NJANJO AGNES Sandrine LARISSA 15. TEPONDJOU Zoyem KEVIN BORIS 16. ESSOME Mbenda STEPHANE Thibaud 17. Deeny Ngandjui ANNIE PAMELA 18. MBELLA JOYCE JACKSON KATHLEEN CLAUDE 19. BATOUMANA FRANCK OLIVIER 20. TCHOUANGAM NOMO LOUISE CHRISTELLE 21. EKE TCHAMY STEPHANE ALAIN 22. NGUIDJOI Bikim Evrard JACQUES Applicants are invited to attend Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC) of Universite de Douala, from the date of signature of this announcement to complete the registration formalities. The successful candidates are requested to register at the Advanced School of Economics and Commerce (ESSEC) of the University of Douala, nem from the date of the signing of the present press release. Source: Ministry of Higher Education Click HERE to Register on you, you receive similar ads by Free E-mail / SMS!
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