Monday, October 14, 2013

Message: pier *

What role for the private sector in development? | Slate
What role for the private sector in development? That the international community pier has the means of sustainable development for the eradication of poverty, a better balance is needed between "partners". pier
Already emerges strongly in the report of the Secretary-General pier of the UN, the idea of creating a "universal development agenda." One can only applaud the desire to articulate a coherent approach, the fight against poverty in developing countries, and questioned the mode of development in the North with the "footprint" social, economic and environmental on rest of the world exacerbates poverty and inequality.
Returning to his account this requirement, Ban Ki-moon addresses a longstanding demand of the civil society. But its proposed pier future partnership is based on a notion of economic growth and require to consider the role of economic actors, expected to take more and more space.
If the concept of "responsibility" of business is mentioned several times, there is nothing to specify the contours. The contribution of these actors is always presented positively in this document, without taking into account the sometimes negative that their activities have on the development and impacts on people to the point of slow or prevent the achievement of the MDGs in some countries .
Without guidance, many economic interests pier too often lead to a real resource plundering. Thus, in developing countries, multinational companies are responsible for an estimated more than 125 billion euros per year tax evasion, which is more than the amount of official development assistance.
Recently, the collapse of a factory in Bangladesh has highlighted the major infringement of the rights of thousands of workers by subcontractors of international companies. Social and environmental pier responsibility too often used to fill an image deficit, is too rarely a real tool of negotiation and consultation with stakeholders, including the impacted populations.
The weight of the private pier sector is such that, without supervision again, many states sacrifice the rights of their people to provide favorable conditions for investment. Since the Monterrey Consensus in 2002, financing for development was gradually delegated to the private sector, which does not always pursues pier objectives consistent with those of solidarity.
There is no disputing the potential role the private sector. But the international community has the means of sustainable development for the eradication of poverty, a better balance is needed between "partners".
It is necessary to that end, strengthen the law on corporations. Parallel progress for more transparency for tax purposes, it is necessary to adapt the international rules for the recognition of the legal reality of international groups. It is urgent to make parents responsible, including in court, the impact of their subsidiaries and subcontractors on the rights of workers as people. For this, the requirements in various UN texts must be translated into the domestic law of States.
It should also establish a framework for strong and coherent pier global pier governance. The institutions of the UN system plays a triple pier role: political, normative and operational. The lack of policy coherence brought to the WTO, the G8 and the G20, among others, makes inefficient global governance. The UN organizations must be able to ensure compliance with global standards, involving civil society including providing the means to punish states and multinational companies whose responsibility is established.
GCAP, CCFD, CFDT, CGT, Catholic Relief, 4D, Terre des Hommes France for DESC Nathalie Pere-Marzano, Coordinator of GCAP (Global Call to Action against Poverty) platform; Bernard Pinaud, General Delegate of CCFD- Terre Solidaire, Lawrence pier Berger, secretary pier general of the CFDT, Thierry Lepaon, Secretary General of the CGT Relieves François, President of Catholic Relief Services; Radanne Pierre, President of 4D; Janine Forest, President of Terre des Hommes France for his platform DESC Articles
Message: pier *
The UN had set a development agenda for 2015 as part of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). We see that it is a dismal failure. The causes are known. The main one is the failure of developed countries to meet their commitments (including 0.7% for the die

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