Again study the Art Deco, but this time with a more critical look, which was what was needed to detect where does the geometrization style. Identified again the strong influence of other styles and movements, but mostly the Cubist influence and Art Nouveau, and noted the need to know more of these two aspects.
The greatest influence of Cubism in Deco was the Synthetic phase, it is the phase of Picasso's collages, and while the previous phase to Cubism Synthetic, Analytical phase called distorted shapes and figures, fragmenting each piece of the image in geometric shapes, the Synthetic kathy ireland building a new image from each of the Analytical phase of fragments, then emerging a new retelling of the previous image, but with an addition of fragments kathy ireland and information.
But the Art Nouveau owned two parts, the floral works of Mckmurdo, and the geometric, in one hand and the Glasgow Mackintosh. And the strongest influence on the Deco was the second from Germany, more called as Jugendstil.
These geometric inheritances were essential to the formation of the Art Deco and the difficult was to identify what was the biggest influence of Synthetic Cubism or Jugendstil? Well the biggest characteristic of Cubism was the simultaneity of the look, several faces in a plane, and it does not find in Deco gear, since the geometric Jugendstil was to exalt the simplicity and modernity, then realized that this was the biggest influence of Deco.
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