In the field of Western antik painting, painting L'origine du Monde (The Origin of Human Space) by Gustave Courbet have a separate place. Painted in 1866, the only official paintings on display antik in the museum in 1995. Bold content may explain why the work has been hiding for more than a century, because the picture does not draw anything other than the genitals of women.
The painting L'origine du monde sense of origin antik or roots Tran Nhan Gian, are among 10 of the most famous works Orsay museums, as well as the Mona Lisa represents the Louvre museum. However, tourists curious to see firsthand the work they have to wait until after September antik 2014. So during the summer, work L'origine du Monde (The Origin of Human Space) was put on display presented within three months, from 07/06 to 09/01/2014, in the town of Ornans, near the city of Besançon, southeastern France, the origin of the famous painter Gustave Courbet (born 1819 - 1877 lost) . The painting was exhibited at the artist's home, now turned into a museum.
Renowned as one of the typical face of realism, painter Gustave Courbet was painting L'origine du Monde (The Origin of Human Space) at the age of 47 years (1866), antik under the orders of the collector Khalil Bey nude paintings. Serif Halil Pasha's real name is Mr. Khalil Bey is a native of Egypt, served as Turkey's ambassador in Paris and Vienna. Anecdote has it that Mr. Khalil Bey painter Gustave Courbet knew the words of the writer introduces literary critic Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve. Mr. Khalil Bey ordered the painter Gustave Courbet painting more daring rather than a single image.
At that time, there was a huge debate in public opinion about the picture of Édouard Manet's Olympia Beloved woman painted in 1863. Tradition nude painting actually had since the Renaissance, but the end of the fifteenth century artists often wriggle censorship by hiding'' behind'' fronts'' classic'' aesthetic. Drawing naked beauty to praise a woman's body through the area of Greek mythology La (Greece and Rome).
Édouard Manet's painting Olympia, classical style painting a nude woman, but because of the controversial comic characters simply a prostitute, not a symbol of the peaceful and noble spirit Venus. By drawing a prostitute either luxury, painter Édouard Manet (of impressionist) was deliberately fence, goes against the ethics'' aesthetic'', cite something that a lot of people of the day meandering euphemism professionals.
Works L'origine du Monde (The Origin of Human Space) by Gustave Courbet was born in what context, but a hundred times more daring, both content and form, compared to the paintings of Manet's Olympia Beloved woman. antik According to researcher Fabrice Masanes art history, the author of the reference book of Gustave Courbet editor, publisher Taschen released in 2006, in fact, the first picture that Gustave Courbet painted to order Khalil Bey is his painting titled Les Dormeuses (two women asleep).
But when buying this piece, Turkish diplomats not really like that very much, so add a new one, and the second challenge painter Gustave Courbet painted a painting that no one has "miles". Khalil Bey himself is not doubt that the painter Courbet miles genitals antik of the woman according to the viewing angle is the most direct and accessible image. The painting medium size (46 cm in 55 cm) provocative as vivid, bold because just as real. The focus of the painting L'origine du Monde is a legendary black triangle frame, revealing a pussy parted.
According to researchers Michèle Haddad, who has written three books essays on Gustave Courbet artist, comparing two perspectives sacred and secular art of painting in the nineteenth century, the diplomat Khalil Bey was very ill when placed antik Origin's paintings buy time. He had come to Paris to seek treatment antik for syphilis, a disease with no cure medicine at that time. Ms. Michèle Haddad, titled Human Origin L'origine antik du Monde time so both meanings, which is the origin of germ life, human birth place, but according to religious morality of the time , which is also the origin of death: potential threat of sexual pleasure, disease lurking in sexual pleasure.
Anyway, this picture into a painting in the nineteenth century, the most famous in the world. For nearly 130 years, a lot of people heard about but few ever see firsthand. Only two writers and Edmond de Goncourt Ducamp Maxime (who co-founded the literary prize of the same name) has described antik this painting in their posts in the 1880s. Was not until a century later, antik the first last seen pictures c
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