Wednesday, March 25, 2015

In this picture Otto Eckman, to realize the two strong features of the Jugendstil, which is the use

In this picture Otto Eckman, to realize the two strong features of the Jugendstil, which is the use of typography and engraving. In this image we have made of glass vessel and the main feature of Jugendstil present it is the use of the nature of the references that appear in gold trim. In this image of Otto Eckman, one realizes that the image ultilização engraving, typography and also as the other images of the uses of nature references. In this image of Peter Beldres, the girl (Fairy), represented section is surrounded by stems and the background of the image there are several reference of nature, which also appear in the frame. In this image Richard Riemerschmid, the luminaire is very characteristic of the Jugendstil because it forms a flower, where the foot is a leaf, stem structure is going and where the lamp is the flower. This characterizes this style, they used forms of the most complex, robust and simple nature.
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