Thursday, October 30, 2014

At the Annual prominent KEA for close to a year since amended the Articles of Association. Some cha

Effects of the members of the policy and control KEA
At the Annual prominent KEA for close to a year since amended the Articles of Association. Some changes were timely and needs, such as the provisions on social boundaries of the area in accordance with the amended municipal boundaries, but others were not beneficial and limiting the ability of members to influence the direction and control of KEA.
Apart from the merits of the changes at the AGM KEA last year was also very aðfinnsluvert how this was the presentation of the proposal to the Annual General Meeting. They certainly were presented at meetings of the equity accounting method, and then apply a few. Furthermore, the proposed amendment is not distributed among the attendees, but exceeded prominent them on the projector. The proposals were not available to members before the AGM, but was only notified of the Annual General Meeting with the data. Most members who were not members of the General Assembly were to see the proposals for the first time at the AGM. Saw no reason to introduce changes to the company's website or other means to reach a maximum number of members to obtain a discussion of the proposals.
An agreement prominent was one of the few who spoke for the amendment proposals eagles would not be adopted prominent without amendment. Most significant changes in the two sectors. Article 16 which provides that to amend the Articles of KEA need to present proposals in all departments of the company. This provision makes it impossible for individual prominent members to propose amendments to the Articles, unless that person is either in control or deputies KEA, because they alone have the right to speak and make proposals on all faculty meetings. The amendment of Article 28, which I believe prominent was also vital is that the current Board members are elected for three-year terms. One year elected three directors and two each year for the next two year. This provision means that the members of KEA can never replace a majority of the board. That's because prominent no matter what the government does in or how little she sisters in their work, it will always sit by the majority following a general meeting of KEA!
Both of these changes I believe to have been a great step backwards and are designed to reduce democracy in the company and drastically limit the scope KEA members to influence the direction and control of the company. The arguments were made for the need of change of risk that the company would be some sort of hostile prominent takeover, I think not strong. But although the danger exists is very easy to take measures to counteract changes in statutes, which do not come down on democracy in KEA. These changes do little more than move greatly increased the powers of the Board members.
Signed was to recruit members in all departments KEA to introduce changes that unwinding of this and increase return potential prominent members to influence. The proposal will be sent to the Office of KEA within a two week period before the annual meeting, and requesting that it be published on the website of the company, so that all members may be aware of it very carefully. It is the duty of the members of KEA, especially those making themselves to be members of the AGM, the Board policy. What can they do now by correcting major deficiencies of the changes that were made at the AGM last year, but also by introducing practical investments and profits. But there is actually stuff to another pistil.
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