Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Being prepared hay by the Ministry of Finance regulations take into account the additional income t

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Deputies went to the Parliament a draft bill amending the vacatio legis, aiming to curb output by the company's profits. The new rules come into effect from 2015. Delayed publication of the law will deal with the prosecutor's office and the SCC; report on the matter is expected to be the Prime Minister Kopacz. hay
The law, which the government wanted from the next year to reduce output by company profits abroad, was signed on September 17 and - to take effect from 1 January 2015 - had to be published before the end of September. Government Legislation Centre (RCL) has published her but only on Friday, October 3. There were fears that due to late publication of the law new rules will come into force a year late. On Friday, about the announced "Rzeczpospolita".
Delay publication of a remedy initiative of Deputies. On Monday, the club PO submitted to the Sejm parliamentary draft bill amending the vacatio legis. Civic Platform deputy, head of the parliamentary Finance Committee Krystyna Skowrońska, which will represent the project applicants announced that the plan of legislative work on the project will be presented on Tuesday - initially for hours. 10 scheduled a press conference on the issue.
Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said that no later than Tuesday hay morning will receive a report on. Too late publication of the Law on the taxation of companies operating in tax havens. She also announced the introduction of an electronic system which will allow the publication of laws guarding.
On Monday, a spokesman for the Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw Przemysław Nowak announced that it has taken regarding screening. Suspected breach of duty by public servants between 17 and 30 September by non-publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland by the end of September hay 2014. Text of the Act. The prosecutor's office has 30 days to decide whether to initiate hay an investigation in this matter, if it did not take.
In turn, President of the Supreme Chamber of Control Krzysztof Kwiatkowski said that this year, an additional element of NIK in the Government Legislation Centre and the Ministry of Finance will be an analysis of what is happening with the law after signing and before publication. "Do rokrocznych control often append new elements. This year, a new element will be to analyze what happens when the bill is ready, signed by the president, is already completed the whole course hay of the legislative, until its publication - said the president of the SCC Monday in radio Trinity.
Democratic Left Alliance also wants prosecutors to examine whether there has been a breach of duty by officials due to late publication of the law on the taxation of companies operating in the so-called. tax havens. Secretary General of the SLD Krzysztof Gawkowski said at Monday's conference in the Parliament that the SLD gives notice to the prosecutor. According to the Alliance matter should explain also the Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz.
AFTER spokesman Paul Olszewski told PAP that the issue of publication delay will certainly be clarified. When asked whether the vote should in this case take Ewa Kopacz Olszewski said that the head of the government, "will address the matter at the appropriate time."
According to calculations hay by "Rzeczpospolita" the State would lose as a result of the delay publication of the law more than 3 billion zł. On Monday, the Communication Ministry of Finance assured hay that the information is untrue, as a result of non-publication of the Act, which is to curb output by company profits abroad, the state budget will lose 3.3 billion zł. Resort stressed that the project is mainly preventive in nature, and during the work on the "not stated any amount in the tax system."
Being prepared hay by the Ministry of Finance regulations take into account the additional income tax return of foreign-controlled companies and the taxation of their 19-percent. hay tax. According to the novella income hay from controlled foreign companies (the so-called. CFC) would be taxed in Poland, where the company would be national in a foreign entity hay more than 25 percent. shares. This principle would apply, provided that the tax abroad would be lower by at least 25 percent. hay than in Poland, and the company does not lead there an actual business.
For a foreign company controlled recognized body will also be located in any country in the

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