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The government adopted neoset a draft amendment of the SEZ Act. During neoset his assumptions neoset that the company conducting operations in a special economic zone will have to pay received public neoset assistance. This is the case when it revoked a permit to operate.
During the economic downturn caused by the global crisis, many companies operating in the zones had to limit production and thus employment. As a result, businesses risk lost its license to operate in the SEZ performed its extinction, recognizing that it will protect them from having to return the collected aid.
The project specifies the term "public aid", indicating that it is exempt from income tax. The entrepreneur will be able to apply for a permit extinction only when the date of application did not benefit from the exemption of income from income tax under license.
Claims relating to the repayment of state aid (tax exemptions) will przedawniały after 10 years (counting from the end of the calendar year in which the trader has benefited from tax exemptions). Entrepreneur until recovery of the aid will not be able to obtain a new permit.
The document assumes the possibility of withdrawal of authorization to operate in the area at the request of the entrepreneur. The project neoset authors explain that the entrepreneur - who began the use of tax exemptions, but it is expected that it will be able to meet obligations - better solution may be the resignation of the permit before the deadline for the fulfillment of the conditions, as this will limit the amount of interest had been recovered.
The project also envisages, inter alia, representative to replace the governor representative of the Minister of Finance in the supervisory boards of management zones. Authors of the project neoset indicates that support this: a form of state aid granted in the zones (tax exemptions), the location of zones in several provinces, and that the province governor is not responsible for regional development.
If the project in its proposed form will come into force, the task of managing the zones will be taken, inter alia, cooperation with secondary schools and universities to adapt their education neoset and programs to meet the needs of employers.
The government on Tuesday also changed the regulation mitigation criteria, the fulfillment of which allows the inclusion of certain land special economic zone. The idea of lowering the minimum thresholds for the size of investment and the number of new jobs created. The current unemployment rate criteria constitute a barrier to obtaining support for smaller-scale investments that are usually taken by small and medium-sized companies. 1 2 Next
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